Risk Factors

Pelvic radiation therapy

  • High-energy (ionizing) radiation used to treat some cancers can damage cells’ DNA, sometimes increasing the risk of developing a second type of cancer. If you've had pelvic radiation, your risk for developing uterine Cancer is increased. These cancers usually are diagnosed 5 to 25 years after you've been exposed to the radiation


  • Uterine Cancers are about twice as common in African-American women as they are in white or Asian women. The reason for this is unknown.

RB gene changes

  • Women who have had a type of eye cancer called retinoblastoma that was caused by being born with an abnormal copy of the RB gene have an increased risk of uterine leiomyosarcoma.
  • Remember, that these factors increase the risk for developing some uterine Cancers, but they may not always cause the disease.