Annual Conference March 2024
Annual Conference Year 2021
Annual Conference Year 2019
Annual Conference Year 2018

Annual Conference Year 2017
Association of Gynaecologic Oncologists of India(AGOI) & Women’s Cancer initiate – Tata Memorial Hospital (WCI-TMH) jointly organized the 25th annual conference of AGOI and the 15th Annual conference of WCI-TMH on 27-29 Oct, 2017 at Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai. The theme for the conference was : “Gynecological Cancers: On the cusp of change”. This theme was chosen to highlight the standards of care & cutting edge innovations in gynecological cancers. Surgical video, Colposcopy & Cervical Cytopathology and Image guided Adaptive Brachytherapy workshops were held on the first day of the extensive 3 day program The Ketayun Dinshaw oration was awarded to Dr. S K Shrivastava The program was enriching with multiple debates and talks and discussions with experts from the nation and abroad with their relevant evidences on the subjects during the conference. The conference saw participation from internationally renowned researchers and clinicians who have made a global impact on treatment policies and outcomes for women’s cancers through their extraordinary work.

2016: Advances In Breast Cancer – The 2nd Joint Breast Cancer Symposium
The 2nd Joint Breast Cancer Symposium was organized by Indian Cancer Society, WCI-TMH & GOKARMA Oncology Association on 14th-16th Oct, Aamby Valley, Lonavala. The meeting aimed at multidisciplinary Symposiums, highlighting the advances in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, and striving to provide a forum for private and academic physicians, as well as health workers, to interact with thought-leaders in the field.
The 2016 Ketayun Dinshaw Oration was awarded to Dr Steven Narod from Canada, for his exemplary work on Breast Cancer Genetics & Health Care Policy.

2015: Improving Gynaecological Cancer Management Through Strengthening CT Cancer Staging 9th Oct,
Venue: Tata Memorial Hospital, Mumbai.
International Speakers Dr Kie Hwan Kim (KIRAMS, Korea) and Dr Priya Bhosale (MD Anderson USA) were the Keynote Speakers who took part of the discussion
10th -11th Oct, 2015 WCI-TMH Annual Conf Theme: Ensuring Quality In Gynaecological Cancer Care. The Conference was attended by over 200 delegates from India & abroad.
On 10th Oct, 2015, a Satellite Symposium was held at Hotel St. Regis, Theme: Role of Endocrine Therapy in Gynaecological and Breast Cancers.
The 2015 Ketayun Dinshaw Oration was awarded to Dr Firuza Patel from PGI, Chandigarh. Dr Patel is recognized for her Dose Rate studies in Cancer Cervix not only in India but Internationally.

2014: Advances in Breast Cancer - 1st ABSI (West Zone) Breast Course and Joint Multidisciplinary Symposium October 10th-12th :
This meeting was jointly organized by Indian Cancer Society, WCI-TMH & GOKARMA Oncology Association in Goa. The meeting aimed at multidisciplinary Symposiums, highlighting the advances in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment, and striving to provide a forum for private and academic physicians, as well as health workers, to interact with thought-leaders in the field.
The international Faculty included Prof. Andrew Hanby from Leeds Institute of Cancer and Pathology (UK), Prof. Clifford A. Hudis, Chief, Breast Cancer Medicine Service, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center (US), Prof. Hope Rugo Director of the Breast Oncology Clinical Trials Program University of California (USA) & Prof. Sibylle Loibl, from the Department of Medicine and Research and a member of the management board at the German Breast Group (Germany).
In 2014 The Ketayun Dinshaw Oration was awarded to Dr Indraneel Mittra, who has made significant contributions with his original research in the field of womens cancers.
2013: Innovations & Controversies in Gynaecologic Oncology 26th & 27th October, and Pre-Conference Workshop on Onco-Imaging in Gynaecology 19th October :
The conference covered a spectrum of issues including present day controversies related to gynaecological cancers and newer discoveries in the field. Eighty six international and national experts in Gynaecological Oncology enlivened the conference with didactic talks, panel discussions, debates and state-of-the-art surgical videos.
Pre-Conference Onco-Imaging Workshop on Gynaecologic tumors was organised on 19th October. The keynote speaker was Dr. Kumar Sandrasegaran, who is a renowned radiologist with exhaustive work and academic experience in Body Imaging, especially gynaecologic imaging. He is a distinguished Professor of Radiology at Indiana University School of Medicine. The national facultly included Dr. Mukund Joshi, who was recently awarded Lifetime achievement award by RSNA at Chicago. Some of the other distinguished speakers included Dr. Kulbir Ahlawat, Dr. Poonam Bajaj, The TMH faculty included, Dr. M.H.Thakur, Dr. Suyash Kulkarni, Dr. Nilendu Purandare, Dr. Supriya Chopra, Dr. Nilesh Sable.
In 2013 WCI-TMH initiated The Ketayun Dinshaw Oration. The Oration was awarded to an individual who has made outstanding contribution towards promoting of health or others spheres of social activity involving women, and was pleased to confer the 2013 Ketayun Dinshaw Oration to Dr Rani Bang.

2012: Loco-regional Treatment for Breast Cancer 19th-21st October
The conference is aimed at addressing the recent advances in treatment of breast cancer. Emerging evidence from randomized trials, has demonstrated a paradigm shift in surgery for breast cancer. The conference will aim on focusing on Oncoplasty which is now a widely accepted surgical technique. International faculty that will be attending, Dr. Fiona Mc Neill, Dr. Ismail Jatoi, Dr. Sarah Darby and Dr. Stefan Gluck.

2011:Recent Advances in Breast Cancer and the Cancers of the Uterine Corpus 14th-16th October:
The conference revisited all the important international conferences held in 2010-2011, and covered key presentations made at these conferences and reviewed current issues, thus covering a broad spectrum of ideas and thought processes. The invited international faculty was represented by Dr. Shaheenah Dawood, Prof. Dennis Slamon, Dr. Melanie Powell, Dr. Sean Dowdy, Dr. Shaheen Rola and Dr. Philip Iau Tsau Choong. Additionally, controversies related to Uterine Malignancies and formulating guidelines for the management of the same were discussed.
2010: Updating the Guidelines in Primary breast and Cervical Cancer 22nd-24th October:
The mandate was to form consensus guidelines on the management of these cancers. The conference aimed to cover a broad spectrum of issues including present day controversies related to these two common women malignancies. International experts on breast cancer included Ben Anderson, Ellen Donovan, Stephen Johnston, and Seigo Nakamura. International gynaecology experts included Nandita D’Souza, Robert Pearcey and Peter Rose. National experts enlivened the conference with deictic talks and debates. The conference was endorsed by ESTRO who sent its own representatives to attend the Event.

2009: Focused on Targeted Therapy and Onco-Plastic Surgery, in Breast Cancer and Prevention of Gynecological Cancers 30th Oct-2nd November:
Over 250 Prominent oncologists from India and abroad deliberate on the focused theme. At this conference the Mobile Outreach Programme was launched.The Women’s Cancer Initiative in partnership with the Department of Preventive Oncology, Tata Memorial Hospital, launched its first Mobile Screening Van for early detection of breast, cervix and oral cancer on 1st November 2009.
The inauguration of presided over by Chief Guest, Shri Ghulam Nabi Azad, Hon. Minister of Health & Family Welfare as well as other prominent personalities such as Guest Of Honour, Dr. Anil Kakodkar, Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission. Smt. Shameem Azad (wife of the Hon. Health Minster) flagged of the van on this auspicious occasion.

2008 : Prevention & Early Detection of Common Cancers in Women 4th-25th October:
The Conference was attended by over 200 oncologist from around the country and an International Faculty including Ambassador N. Brinker, USA from the Komen Foundation, R.Muwonge, France, R. Sankaranarayanan, France, VTsu, USA, T Chen, Taiwan.
The conference covered issues related to Prevention, Screening, & Early Detection of Breast, Cervix & Tobacco related Cancers among women.
2007: Advanced Breast Cancer & Ovarian Cancer: Current Management & Future Challenges 26th-28th October:
The Conference focused on problems and challenges in treating metastatic breast cancer and ovarian cancer - two most challenging situations for Oncologists and subjects of worldwide research. International Faculty Members included Alain Fourquet, France; Andrew Seidman, Jonathan Cosin, Maurie Markman, Robert Bast & Robert Coleman USA; David Miles & Peter Hoskin, UK; foremost experts in malignancies with original contributions to their credit discussed issues related to metastatic breast cancer and ovarian cancer and contributed to academic deliberations through panel discussions.

2006: Breast Cancer Prognostic & Predictive Markers 6th October Cervical Cancer – An Update 7th October:
Dr. James Reuben, head of Hematopathology at MD Anderson Cancer Centre, USA & pioneer in Minimal Residual Disease in Breast Cancer shared his experience in setting up a Minimal Residual Disease laboratory enabling us to bring the technology to India. Dutch Researcher Dr. Marc van de Vijver, pioneer on use of MICROARRAYS in cancer enlightened 500 attendees on the use of a Mammaprint where researchers are able to duplicate results in different areas of the world with different genetic signatures. A live hands-on demonstration to standardize immuno-histochemistry for breast cancer reporting followed.
2005: Breast Cancer – Locoregional Control 30th Sept – 2nd October:
Attended by 150 Surgical & Radiation Oncology experts, the conference focused on Locoregional control & aspects of surgical techniques & radiotherapeutic modalities. Prof. Jack Cuzick, renowned epidemiologist & researcher from UK, delivered the keynote address & Breast Cancer Management faculty from Univ. of Wisconsin Hospital, USA discussed locoregional control surgery, External Beam Radiation Therapy, Tumour Bed Boost, Partial Breast Irradiation with brachy-therapy & IMRT, Controversies in management of axilla & internal mammary chain & sentinel node biopsy & sampling.
2004: Adjuvant Systemic Therapy for Breast Cancer 20th – 21st November:
6 International Faculty, 4 National Faculty & 2 from Tata Memorial Hospital shared knowledge & skills with 134 delegates. Dr. Bernard Fisher, Scientific Director, NSABP, delivered the keynote Address, ‘Evolution of Adjuvant Systemic Therapy for Breast Cancer: My 40 year Experience’ over a live tele-conference between Univ. of Pittsburgh & Tata Memorial Hospital. An Open Meeting of the Indian Breast Group was held alongside.